popping corn

popping corn

With the news of yesterday, I thought about changing this post to read 'popping corks'. Alas, I did not. That would have provided an incongruity even I could not abide. So what we have instead is the original post - about popcorn. Cheers!

As I mentioned rather quickly in a previous post, I am dieting. Don't judge; it happens. And one thing I've discovered about myself these past months is that I like to chew things. Again, please don't judge. With the absence of things to chew, as happens on a diet, you look for things to replace that comforting gesture.

I searched through the tome accompanying this particular diet and found that popcorn, even popcorn popped in oil if it is the right kind, is an acceptable snack. (NB: 1 cup of grape-seed oil-popped popcorn is only 35 cals!) So bowls and bowls of it are consumed - chewed, if you will. Do I eat it when I watch Netflix? Sometimes. But popcorn isn't just for the movie theatre. Or the microwave. It's delicious anytime, can 'pop' 3 feet into the air, and is best when cooked on the stove. Trust me.

What follows is a pictorial of the ritual I follow each day:


Seen in this post: Back-to-Basics stove top popper (similar to shown), Grape-ola grape seed oil, Jolly Time 'American's Best' popping corn, Nigella Lawson ceramic measuring cups, Emma Bridgewater 'Starry Toast' serving bowl (similar to shown).

Disclaimer: All items are my own; none of these, consumable or otherwise, were gifted and no endorsement has been sought or paid for this review or post.

welcoming Prince George

welcoming Prince George

celebrating the announcement