wasting space on the dvr

wasting space on the dvr

Sundays have my dvr working overtime. Despite the 'two show maximum' restriction, which requires me to get creative with the timing so that I can actually change the channel if I need to, tomorrow, I'm recording the following:

8pm: Secrets of Chatsworth (PBS)

9pm: Masterpiece Mystery (PBS)

9pm: True Blood (HBO)

10pm: Copper (BBCA)

10pm: The Newsroom (HBO)

No other day gets this much action. When I'm bored, I think about what will happen when The Amazing Race, Once Upon a Time, Game of Thrones, VEEP, and Family Tree start up again. Heaven forbid someone else wants to record something on a Sunday, right? (NB: I didn't even put in 'The Killing', because I'll just watch the entire season in one go. Much less stressful.) And Sundays are the day of rest.

What do you record? Anything I'm missing?


revealing: the July 'quarterly' box #THP07

revealing: the July 'quarterly' box #THP07

reading: 'The Westing Game'

reading: 'The Westing Game'