running from the headless horseman

running from the headless horseman

We need to talk about 'Sleepy Hollow', don't we?

This is not the Disney animated film of our childhood. It is much, much more. Inspired by 'National Treasure' and 'Twin Peaks', producer Ken Olin has reinvigorated story-telling on tv, taking a well-known classic and twisting it into something equally magical and mesmerizing. The Washington Irving tale gets an excellent if not faithful retelling, with the writers imaginations infusing the folktale with both lore and legend of a more present, modern-day kind. We might no longer fear a 'headless horseman' in the truest sense, regardless our proximity to a copse of trees, however...

However, this horseman stands for something far more sinister.

And more possible in our world.

I hesitate to give away more. Suffice it to say, I find the entire premise enticing and appealing - and will leave you with this tease direct from the network:

It's taken over my Monday nights. And some of my amazon instant video space. And I am completely captivated, wonderfully intrigued, and more than a little frightened.

Tune in to Fox on Mondays at 9pm Eastern. And bring something to hide behind.


PS: capitalizing on the topic, Snickers really satisfies with this advert:

kickstarting something

kickstarting something

having words with ben franklin

having words with ben franklin