having words with C.S. Lewis

having words with C.S. Lewis

Today's 'Words on Wednesdays' features one of my favorite authors, C.S. Lewis. His stories are like favorites sweets that I had when I was little. And when I see them again - or read them again, I'm caught up in that first feeling that magic exists, that first taste of the delight of reading. Have you read any of his books: The Chronicles of NarniaThe Screwtape Letters, or Mere Christianity, to start?

Clive Staples Lewis - called 'Jack' by his family and friends (of whom J.R.R. Tolkien was one) - was not only an author. He was an academic, teaching at both Oxford and Cambridge, and a Christian apologist. Seems a very simple description for a man who wrote such profound words as these:

Simple truths. That's what C.S. Lewis dealt in, where he lived, what he left for us to read. And scenes like this, alive in our imaginations now living and breathing in film:

C.S. Lewis lived with the spirit of the Christmas season. And he wrote with an abandon that encouraged us all to do the same.


NB: If you have a chance to visit the Wade Center in Wheaton, Illinois, do. You'll be able to open the actual wardrobe from Lewis' home, push aside the furs hanging in it, and see if the door in the back opens. I was giddy when the staff to me to have a go. And my children were too shocked to do anything but watch as I did.

Also, the memorial to C.S. Lewis in Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey is now in place. It was dedicated a few weeks ago on the 50th anniversary of his death.

finding it hard to sleep tonight

finding it hard to sleep tonight

checking it twice

checking it twice

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