I really wanted to title this PR recap 'KEN IS OUT'. I refrained. And since I've just given away the ending, and am exhausted from the weeks of drama he's inflicted, I'll make this weekly windup quick.This was the L'Oreal makeover challenge - and the week of the 'superfan'. Lifetime and Marie Claire sponsored a contest to find the biggest PR fans, with the winners receiving a trip to New York, a trip to Mood, backstage tours of Parsons and the PR set, and complete makeovers by L'Oreal. And they were cast as the episode 10 models. It was 'the ultimate Project Runway experience'!The 8 winners were wonderful. From the moment they stepped off the double-decker in front of Parsons, their excitement was infectious. Snapping pics and hugging Tim seemed to be on everyone's agenda. Then, they were whisked into Parsons, past the craft services table (see above), through the runway set, and into the sewing room where they waited to surprise the designers.Once they were announced, the superfans joined the designers in the workroom. Tim then explained the challenge: to makeover the superfans. Relying on the button bag off-camera, Tim divulged the designer/superfan pairings. And after the 30-minute sketch period, they all set off for Mood feeling both keen excitement by the superfans and the import of the challenge by the designers.Fast-forwarding to the runway, here are the top 3 looks:
Tidbits about these superfans:
- Tristen is a Mormon and recently lost 130 lbs. Way to go Tristen!
- Jamie is a stay-at-home lawyer and hadn't changed her 'look' since high school. It included self-cut fringe and 2+ feet of hair.
- Jennifer is a suburban mom who wanted to look 'intimidating, powerful, classy, and chic'. And like she 'would cut a bitch.'
Jamie/Helen won - a deserving (and perhaps easy) win. Her makeover was the most dramatic, and Helen got her design spot-on.Now, here are the bottom 3 looks:Tidbits about these superfans:
- Andrea wanted a suit. And Alexander wanted to give her one. Now he just needed 4 days instead of 2.
- Susie wanted to choose her own fabric. And she did. Ken wasn't happy - and thought it looked like a 'couch from the 70s'.
- Stephanie, a 20yo art history major, was intimidated by Alexandria who told her that she would get laughed at for looking 'frumpy'. Stephanie thought the fabrics Alexandria chose were frumpy. The judges thought so too.
Since he sent an unfinished look down the runway, Alexander was sure he was going home. Susie walked with a swagger and bore up well during the 'post-runway' scrutiny. But my heart broke a bit for her; she both loved her look and drove the fabric choice and was lambasted for it. Her face told the whole story: 'I can never wear this dress again.' And frumpy Stephanie looked uncomfortable - and said as much. But her redredred hair shouted the confidence she was sure to wield in a different outfit. I think Alexandria's tired.Again, I know I missed major drama during the fast-forward. But the judging panel, which included designer Erin Fetherston and Zanna Roberts Rassi, Senior Fashion Editor for Marie Claire, and Tim decided against the obvious 'out' in 'I-didn't-finish' Alexander and ousted Ken without batting a lash.Whew.What will happen tonight? Tune in to Lifetime at 9pm Eastern to find out! Until next week, superfans...Onward.