To answer the burning question:

which, according to the idiom, does not bode well, weather-wise, for the rest of the year.
It may be against the norm, but it has happened before - proof via Edith Holden's 'Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady':
"March has come in like a lamb with a warm wind‥from the South-west."
Have a wild and woolly one! tIO x
PS: For more information - or a more salient response to the whole "lion v lamb" question, check-out "The Weather Guys" - and click-on their link to Jack Horkheimer's explanation as well.
which, according to the idiom, does not bode well, weather-wise, for the rest of the year.
It may be against the norm, but it has happened before - proof via Edith Holden's 'Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady':
"March has come in like a lamb with a warm wind‥from the South-west."
Have a wild and woolly one! tIO x
PS: For more information - or a more salient response to the whole "lion v lamb" question, check-out "The Weather Guys" - and click-on their link to Jack Horkheimer's explanation as well.