As a little blog in the blog pond, I am always surprised when someone comments or follows. So when I was recently paid a high compliment by the lovely Jeanne at Collage of Life, I was humbled, honored, and delighted. Jeanne's blogs are full of encouragement and beauty, and are a wonderful respite on any day. Thank you, Jeanne, my 'blog warrior' friend, for sharing your inspirations. Oh, how I do love an award with cupcakes! x

When receiving an award, one is instructed to do the following:
1. Post-back to thank the person who recognized you. Naturally, etiquette is observed.
2. Offer 10 things that make you happy. Though I've noticed straying from that number is acceptable.
and 3. Pass along the award to 10 bloggers who make you happy. Which may not be such an easy task!
So, in an attempt to respect the set limits, here are "10 things that make [me] happy":
Finding a good math curriculum
My boys, who aren't 'things', and their tromping through mud, flying arrows, skinned knees, voracious appetites, and flashing eyes
French toast, lemon bars, and potatoes
The color red
Now, it is my happy honor to pass along the above award to the following bloggers, each of whom is a delight for their kind words, sweet thoughts, and good times:
Chatting at the Sky
Daily Violets
High Street Market
Home Girl
Pillar Box Post
Sweet Puffins
The Indomitably Courageous U
Glancing through my blogroll, it is replete with wonderful reads from diverse, happy people. For those so inclined, please peruse to your heart's content! Or as my husband says: "So many blogs, so little time, huh?" Exactly.
Here's to a happy day, blogfriends! tIO x
1. Post-back to thank the person who recognized you. Naturally, etiquette is observed.
2. Offer 10 things that make you happy. Though I've noticed straying from that number is acceptable.
and 3. Pass along the award to 10 bloggers who make you happy. Which may not be such an easy task!
So, in an attempt to respect the set limits, here are "10 things that make [me] happy":
Finding a good math curriculum
My boys, who aren't 'things', and their tromping through mud, flying arrows, skinned knees, voracious appetites, and flashing eyes
French toast, lemon bars, and potatoes
The color red
Now, it is my happy honor to pass along the above award to the following bloggers, each of whom is a delight for their kind words, sweet thoughts, and good times:
Chatting at the Sky
Daily Violets
High Street Market
Home Girl
Pillar Box Post
Sweet Puffins
The Indomitably Courageous U
Glancing through my blogroll, it is replete with wonderful reads from diverse, happy people. For those so inclined, please peruse to your heart's content! Or as my husband says: "So many blogs, so little time, huh?" Exactly.
Here's to a happy day, blogfriends! tIO x