On the off-chance that I don't get to post my treasury on Etsy, here it is -
"the Twelve Days of Christmas":
Day One: a Partridge in a Pear Tree from jellybeans

Day Two: Two Turtledoves from maryse

Day Three: Three French Hens from fieldofroses
Day Four: Four Calling Birds from avie
Day Five: Five Gold Rings from CocoBijou
Day Six: Six Geese a-Laying from PysankyPanky

Day Seven: Seven Swans a-Swimming from cricketerler
Day Eight: Eight Maids a-Milking from RozArt

Day Nine: Nine Ladies Dancing from ouma
Day Ten: Ten Lords a-Leaping from gadjits24

Day Eleven: Eleven Pipers Piping from kibosh
"the Twelve Days of Christmas":
Day One: a Partridge in a Pear Tree from jellybeans
Day Two: Two Turtledoves from maryse
Day Three: Three French Hens from fieldofroses
Day Four: Four Calling Birds from avie
Day Five: Five Gold Rings from CocoBijou
Day Six: Six Geese a-Laying from PysankyPanky
Day Seven: Seven Swans a-Swimming from cricketerler
Day Eight: Eight Maids a-Milking from RozArt
Day Nine: Nine Ladies Dancing from ouma
Day Ten: Ten Lords a-Leaping from gadjits24
Day Eleven: Eleven Pipers Piping from kibosh