enjoying November

enjoying November

'Hello, November.'

Here's a day-by-day look at November since my previous post back on the 3rd:

4th - one of the Children is ill
5th - one of the Children is ill
6th - one of the Children is ill
7th - one of the Children is ill
8th - one of the Children is ill
9th - one of the Children is ill
10th - one of the Children is ill
11th - one of the Children is ill
12th - one of the Children is ill
13th - I am ill
14th - I am ill15th - I am ill
16th - I am ill
17th - I am ill
18th - I am ill
19th - I am ill + another of the Children is ill
20th - I am ill + another of the Children is ill
21th - I am ill + another of the Children is ill
22nd - I am ill + another of the Children is ill
23rd - I am ill + another of the Children is ill
24th - I am ill + another of the Children is ill
25th - I am ill + another of the Children is ill

I had planned to 'relaunch' the blog with great fanfare (and banners waving and trumpets blasting), but alas. And alack. And achoo. I now have 16 drafts in the queue to be published, dishes in the sink, laundry to be sorted, and entire warrens of dust bunnies to evict. However I am still ill. So a word of advice: if you see this viral bug coming, make like the Doctor and allons-y!

And since the 50th anniversary was on the 23rd, did you watch it? It was a humdinger.

Until next time, kids.


* POST UPDATE * We've been to the doctor. We have 'a mild case of pneumonia'. And one of the Children has an ear infection. Melinda truly isn't enjoying November. Happy face.



making changes

making changes