wanting something

wanting something

I want this sweatshirt. Maybe I'll buy it. Or put it on my Christmas list.

And I wanted these:

So I bought them. They promise to:

Good promises, huh? Here's something I didn't think I would like, let alone buy:

Ruth of A Model Recommends raves about niacinamide, and this little bottle has it in spades. So when I had a $20 burning a hole in my pocket, I snagged it at the CVS. I've been using it for about a month and I really like it. And, for the scent-sensitive, it smells great! Not flowery or citrusy, it smells of makeup. Good old-fashioned makeup, if that makes sense.

So whatcha whatcha whatcha want? Are your recent purchases delivering on their promises? And are you using something with niacinamide? (Sounds lethal! To bacteria, oil, and spots, it is.)


loving the rogue

loving the rogue

celebrating 200 years of 'Pride & Prejudice'

celebrating 200 years of 'Pride & Prejudice'