having words

having words

I have an on-going argument with myself about Einstein. On the one hand, I am in awe. On the other, he makes me want to pull out my hair. Or at least style it like his.

So the argument and I play this game. It waits until I am ready to pursue it. Taking a chair in my sub-conscious, it sits there unobtrusively until I see something like this. Then, it gets up and begins pacing, anticipating its return to my thoughts, eager for the fight. Usually the argument can be side-stepped; I don't have the answers to the questions yet - or maybe even the questions themselves. And since it's not demanding, it sits back down with a sigh. Patient that another opportunity will allow it to rise again.

When I am ready, I'll call it out, I suppose. Make it defend itself. Make it answer me. But it has the upper hand for now. Because what is deep and unsettling, what forces me to keep preparing for confrontation is that this - this passionate curiosity - is how I feel too. And I like it.

Without argument, Einstein gave us some wonderful things to ponder. Here's another favorite:

Humbling, isn't it? Or maddening. One or the other.


By-the-by: Would this be? Should this be? Can we have 'words on Wednesday' - a new weekly feature? I can't read your minds, so let me know in the comments. 

getting butterflies on the runway

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obsessed with Emma Bridgewater

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