performing 'Les Preludes' at Interlochen

performing 'Les Preludes' at Interlochen

'Les Preludes', by Franz Liszt - perhaps my favorite composer, moves me to tears with ease. And according to tradition, the piece is the Camp theme song. As a voice minor and a member of the madrigals, we sang the descant during the closing performance. It was buggy and hot under the lights. And uncomfortably loud behind the brass section. We were all jealous of the dancers, especially those on the roof of the bowl. But it was our last night. And we wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Today's 'Friday flashback' is in honor of this year's Camp closing on Sunday, August 4th. The performance begins at 7:30 pm EDT.

If you get a chance to watch online, do.

If you get a chance to visit, do.If you get a chance to attend, go.


filling my house with Honest Company

filling my house with Honest Company

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