I completely ignored the fact that Jeremy is in this group. This week was an aberration from his usual amazing design. He would have been 'in' - with a lot of encouragement to get back on track. Sue, who sharply overspent on this 'experiment', would have received a similar stern talking to. Heidi even went as far as to say that she couldn't believe that the design was hers. Which leaves dear Miranda. And her jewel-tone crop-top. The retro-80s mess. Bless.When all was said and done, the situation really did work out for the best. Braden nailed the challenge with his design, and Sandro has been jonesing for a fight, which is unnecessary and unbecoming a PR player. Ofttimes battles have to be fought with words. But when words escalate, and unchecked emotion steps in, we all know what can happen. And that mere threat of physical harm is our undoing.And for that anyone would get kicked off Project Runway.Stay tuned for next week's windup, ladies and gents. And turn your dials to Lifetime tonight at 9pm EST for the new episode of PR.Onward.